My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

在假日,最讓我覺得非常棒的事情是騎著我的 Fuji Newest 3.0 公路車到處去追尋和捕捉台北的好影像,無論使用的器材為何,我只想要告訴大家台北的美麗,此外,我選擇一些有代表性的台北影像,像是台北美術館與大安森林公園,選哲台北作為主題,主要是記錄這我居住的地方,與保存這21世紀的台北。

At holidays, the most fantastic things that I would like to do is that riding my bike, the fuji newest 3.0, and capturing the images of the city I lived, the Taipei city. No matter what equipment I used to take the photograph, the only matter I would like to tell everybody is the beauty of the city. In addition, I choose some remarkable landmark of the Taipei city; namely, the Taipei art gallery, and the Da'an Forest Park – the largest park in Taipei – besides, choosing Taipei as my topic that, mainly, I would like to recode the place I have lived to preserve the images of the 21 century’s Taipei.
My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

My Fuji and My LOHAS Life Style

    創作者 Juice 的頭像

    Juice X LOMO x Film

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